Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Posted by me:) at 3:46 PM
Currently in the school computer lab, waiting for huang cheng briefing to start and then i will have to got for rehearsal.


Very depressed now. I realised that i can't survive without a handphone. I can't contact anyone, so lost=(. I wouldn't have ended up in the computer lab if i have my handphone with me. I hope i can get a new handphone asap, end my suffering.

My birthday 2008
It was quite interesting. Eunice goh smsed me the day before that she wants to meet me on sunday morning to collect money for the aristal tix and talk to me. Suspected something but decided not to have my hopes too high. Met her at yewtee mrt station, she was damn emo. Said that she quarrelled.I believed her and emo-ed with her too. Then she lured me to the macs and viola, everyone's there. Sang b'dae song to me. Very aa. In the middle of the mac somemore, on a family day. So yup, i became the centre of attention. And then we had a wonderful time eating breakfast. Though it wasn't very long but it was nice.=) Love you guys loads.

And i spent the rest of the day buying b'dae presents for others. How nice. Valerie told me to binge. I decided not to. Lol.

And our class did not manage to get dance night tix. Very sad. And i had to inform the rv dancers about this piece of grave news.=( Sigh. Guess i'll see them on the night of aristal. Miss them alot.

Junkai owes me my b'dae present.