Sunday, October 26, 2008
Posted by me:) at 12:40 AM
Ok it was damn scary please....

LOL right. I was emotionless all the way, smsing random people, trying to recognise the councilors and doing funny faces at them. I think the most pitiful councilor is the one hanging from the ladder. The ones in the toilet too, given that they have to stay in there and breathe in the oh-so-fragrant fumes. The scariest of all might go to the councilor who crawled out from the bottom of the table when rhea was telling the story. If i'm not wrong, she was chasing us on fours.

My group was quite funny and ruined a lot of the stuff that the councilors intended to do to us. We washed hands in the toilet with "bloody" water in the sink and councilors attempting to scare us. And i tried to flick the hair of the councilor with her hair down in front of her face but i was stopped by qihan.=( How anti-climax is that. To add on, we were damn lag so that might be the reason why it wasn't scary at all. Oh, and i got knocked into the door frame of lt 3 by zhiyang. This is why two people shouldn't enter the lt at one time.>.<

I didn't manage to take part in the maze as there was a 40 minute waiting time. By then, i woudn't have a bus to go home. Oh well, i got the details though.=D

Highlights of the day:
1. There are SO MANY couples in school.
2. Many showed their humji side today.=P