Friday, August 29, 2008
Posted by me:) at 9:20 PM
We went RSAF yesterday!!! The experience was pretty great. We tried out how it feels like in fighter planes. And we entered the helicopters, fuel planes and took lots and lots of pictures!=D Then there was an air show which showcased the planes in the air force. It was magnificent. I think our group had the most fun over there=))To our class's dismay, three of our classmates were not aware of the time for boarding of the bus to RSAF open house. They stayed at the library, confident that the rest of our class would call them when it's time. However, we did not. Everyone assumed that another would call and ended up with no one calling. So they missed the last bus and the planes. They had to face the wrath of teachers today too. Sigh. Today's teacher's day. Unfortunately due to the performance, i couldn't attend the mass dance. Thus i couldn't try to hype up the class. I've not asked the class how it was, hope it went well. According to the crowd, the performance can only be described in 1 word. GREAT! =DD i felt that it was good too. It was our last performance and it will be mugging for the next three weeks. I'll miss the days of practices, surprisingly. I felt aa. My friend said i stood out, in terms of clothes -.- After the performance, there were doubts expressed by the guys in my class that my eyelashes are fake. Have they not heard about the existence of mascara? Apparently not. So believing that they might be gentle, i did the most stupid thing. I asked them to try pulling la. And guess what, they tugged at my eyelash and ONE CAME OUT!!! Geez...and he asked: eh why your eyelash so big arh. And they claimed that if it can come out, it means it's fake. I was -_- |