Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Posted by me:) at 12:13 AM
something i realisedi never was in the picture i was merely the one who helps maintain the quality of the picture or you can say i'm the backstage crew of the show the one whom you turn to when something goes wrong but tends to neglect when everything's okay but you know what, i kinda like my role. :) to see everything's alright again makes me happy
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Posted by me:) at 2:51 AM
9min past 3amand i'm still awake. boo the song..a sense of nostalgia overwhelms me.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Posted by me:) at 12:03 AM
shagged...tired... beat... exhausted... bushed... worn out... drained... fatigued... and it's just the beginning>.< what ever happened?? i'm puzzled
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Posted by me:) at 6:29 PM
I dont know what I want So dont ask me Cause I'm still trying to figure it out Don't know what's down this road I'm just walking trying to see through the rain coming down Even though I'm not the only one who feels the way I do
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Posted by me:) at 9:30 PM
Block tests' finally over. woohoo. haha though today doesn't really feel much of being the last day of block tests since lessons resume the next day!! GRRR..and cca is back to normal as well!!! GRRR (X2). Sigh but oh well, at least there's no more need to cram information into my brain for now. And i can sleep peacefully now without sparing a thought about definition of standard enthalpy change of reaction and reaction mechanisms.Talking about chemistry, today's chemistry paper was LOL. I totally forgot all the mechanisms that i tried so hard to remember the last night. And i had no idea what i did during the test, everything was a blur. I guess i'm gg-fied. haha ![]() OH and i went shopping yesterday (which explains the condition of my chemistry test today) and bought something damn cute! MOKOZI!!! Yay mine's the green one circled in that sea of mokozis.The biggest one over there! :D Up close would look like the one below. I totally adore his emotion. CUTE!! haha sorry couldn't resist blogging about my mokozi:) oh i bought the red and orange ones too, though smaller. If i have the money, i'll buy the enormous mokozi softtoy and put in my bedroom. But..$$$$ ![]() Anyway saw this cartoon on my class blog. watched it and found it quite interesting. An more funny way to learn economics:) episode 1 episode 2 Back to more lectures, tutorials...and tutorials>.< And thanks for listening to me vent for hours about my problems. I think i was kinda irritating and bugging but yea thanks alot:) i hope you know who you are.>.<
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Posted by me:) at 10:55 PM
Am i taken for granted..if not, why are so many people telling me so.. if not, why do i feel that they don't try their best because they know that i'll be there to tank everything and yet they seem so unappreciative Am i being too quiet.. such that they start to take advantage of it just because i don't retaliate just because i can't be bothered just because i'm too tired to care ever felt that you're invisible in this world like you are so insignificant to the rest that you practically don't exist cos that's what i'm feeling now what to do when your personality just doesn't match theirs when yall don't laugh at the same type of jokes when yall to share any common topics change and try to match them? or just don't give a damn i'm confused they say 勉强不是幸福 so does that mean i should continue being myself and heck care about them after all any form of "friendship" would be fake and artificial and i won't be happy why then, am i bothered about it. i'm tired of putting up a strong front and suffer alone inside. yet the hurt will only be understated in words who would understand then the only one who can resolve this is me but things will end up piling up and i'm breaking once again , the dam almost broke fortunately it didn't but ended up with increasing cracks i don't think it can suffer another blow like this anymore it's on its very last defense the result would be disastrous and irreversible and it'll take a very long time to rebuild itself again this is not emoing it's pure sadness and disappointment they are different very different this post is incoherent and messy the state my mind and heart are in now this girl here doesn't want to be like this either she needs lots of plasters, leukoplasts, needles and threads. she wants to be strong again she wants to heal and be happy again
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Posted by me:) at 9:38 PM
I guess i'm the only one alone after all.Never knew reading blogs can be so depressing. Maybe i should break away from reading blogs for some time.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Posted by me:) at 1:36 PM
For every thought i had of what could have happened, i lose more hope in us.I guess distance does drive people apart. Or.. does the fault lies with me. Maybe i'm not putting enough effort. Or perhaps i should just let go and face the reality. We are in different worlds now and i'm just a small and insignificant part of theirs. I give up. I don't want to feel like a fool anymore.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Posted by me:) at 5:17 PM
Just returned home from school and feeling bored. So i did some personality quizzes :D always a good way to kill boredom. Haha i know i know i'm supposed to be studying for 2nd half of bt but whatever la.. hehThink i did these long time ago... The real me ( You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right? (this is so untrue!! i think ppl take me too seriously-.-) Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking. What's your personality love style? ( You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high. (LOL high standards..) The Eating Test ( You are generally a calm person. You get excited when your favorite band is in town, when you are going on a date with your partner or when you and your friends are dancing. Your friends mean everything to you. You hate it when the summer is over. You like art, and some poetry. You can throw a party, or help a friend put one together. You usually have no trouble finding dates, but you occasionally hit a dry spell. You like the outdoors, usually, and rainy weather doesn't bother you. You sometimes get jealous of people who are smarter or better looking than you, but you wouldn't hold it against them if you got to know them. You are on good terms with your parents, even though they annoy you once in a while. People tend to think you are reliable and trustworthy. You like animals. Posted by me:) at 12:32 AM
I sincerely hope everything will turn out fine on tuesday.But i shan't get my hopes high. I don't want to be disappointed.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Posted by me:) at 12:02 AM
My 2nd toe on my left foot now looks like a freaking brinjal !!! grrr it looks so horrible. Purple and swollen>.< Moderners went to get our bags at bugis st today. Well at least we attempted to. Turned out that the order was wrong, and that lady kinda got scolded by us. We claimed our deposit back and now she has this stock of 19 really ugly starry bags to clear. Retribution!! Headed towards peninsula shopping centre to find new bags after lunch. We spent a very long time of more than 2 hours there trying to find a suitable bag. So first we found this cute and sweet star bag but only 9 were available. Next after a very long search,discussion,pursuasion and a tie break (tie breaker happened to be me>.<), we decided on a plain red one. Alas, there were only 11. Then we started getting all pissed and irritated and sian and the list goes on. In the end, we got the one with black and white stripes. Not bad actually. Been getting lots of good feedback from my family. Now i'm liking our bags more and more every passing moment :DD But i guess what got us real pissed was the whole conflict with the stall holders, accompanied with the irritation, disappointment and fatigue. Seriously, where's all the credit and trust needed in a business deal. The whole situation wasn't nice. I thought we were at a risk of getting beaten up or something.>.< But hey, we gotten our bags after all , right? Let bygones be bygones.. Hmmm... i think i'm a very forgiving person. haha. I really like the bag now.:D looks quite nice. I wasted my whole day away. surprise surprise.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Posted by me:) at 2:00 PM
Econs.. haha i don't know. I ended right on time, thought i had 2 minutes more and so i started flipping the papers and then "stop writing". Dawned upon me that the paper ends at 9:43. So i guess i'm lucky i ended 2 minutes before 9:45 or i wouldn't have finished the paper. :DMy handwriting sucks though. I was appalled by my own handwriting. I tried saving it but they just refused to be saved>.<> I think i have this problem of being over imaginative. It's getting worse.. i actually thought of the "just for laughs" show ending where that green blob comes out and say "'s over!!" when the teacher said at the end of econs paper " stop writing,it's over" omg i'm seriously crazy. And now and then i'll start getting amused when i thought of some stuff or imagined some stuff happening which in fact has not or will not happen. DIE. Is this some psychotic problem. Can you imagine a girl suddenly smiling as she walks down the street? Won't you think she's a bit unstable? Maybe this is the aftermath of emoing for too long.>.< Now my mum thinks sth's going on cos i keep smiling. 0.0 Geez what a laugh.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Posted by me:) at 2:15 PM
One paper down, more to go.I can't tell how i've fared in the gp paper but i relatively enjoyed writing paper 1 though. RARE. As for paper 2, haha aq's gg. I don't understand what i wrote. And i can't believe i disagreed with the writer. I actually disagreed with his argument for liberal censorship on pornography and obscenities! Doesn't this reflect that i've no moral values? (which is not true btw) I think the marker's going to have a good laugh over my aq >.< i'm trying my very best.
Monday, March 09, 2009
Posted by me:) at 9:28 PM
I shall be happy happy happy :DDDI shan't emo nor be sad. I shan't let anything or anyone affect my emotions. Then again, it may just be my wishful thinking.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Posted by me:) at 2:03 AM
i'm feeling kinda lost. :(maybe i'm thinking too much maybe i wish i'm not yet i hope it isn't true
Monday, March 02, 2009
Posted by me:) at 9:26 PM
The rain was pouring..It took me by surprise. Never knew i would ever feel it Felt it as their backs vanish in sight, hand in hand sharing laughters the feeling of loneliness it dawned upon me that everyone's gonna leave sooner or later, for their own life, their own world.
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Posted by me:) at 12:48 AM
Lol they are weird. Oh well, now we know what to do to prepare ourselves for the end of the world. Start playing more video games people! :D |